Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health
By the numbers
Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022
2022 highlights
2022 spotlight
Edition spotlight: Edition 8.s2 (September 2022)
Preventive medicine, operational readiness and combat casualty care for the modern military
This JMVFH special edition highlighted emerging research, trends, and future directions in preventive medicine, operational readiness and combat casualty care in military and Veteran health research. It underscored the importance of research in a changing threat environment, a message which remains timely as conflicts continue in both Ukraine and Palestine. Articles in this edition helped to advance risk analysis within the field of military research and examined implications for policy and practice in these communities. The issue was guest edited by Drs. Homer Tien and Andrew Beckett and featured a foreword by Maj.-Gen. Marc Bilodeau, Surgeon General of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Veterans in the media: Assessing Canadian newspaper coverage of the Lionel Desmond murder-suicide (February 2022)
Appearing in JMVFH issue 8.1, the article, “Assessing Canadian newspaper coverage of the Lionel Desmond murder-suicide,” by Drs. Rob Whitley and Victoria Carmichael, was the journal’s top downloaded article of 2022, with 1,256 total downloads during the reporting period. The article highlighted the need for Canadian journalists to improve reporting of Veteran mental health and suicide, citing a lack of insight from mental health experts, Veteran voices, or help-seeking information for impacted readers in current mainstream media articles.
Author spotlight
Dr. Karen Davis
Dr. Karen Davis’s article “Socio-cultural dynamics in gender and military contexts: Seeking and understanding change” (Edition 8.s2, April 2022) will be featured in the Department of National Defence Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre (SMSRC)’s Restorative Engagement program from 2023 to 2027. The program provides support services for currently serving and former Canadian Armed Forces members, Department of National Defence public service employees, cadets, Junior Canadian Rangers, and members of their families affected by sexual misconduct. Through this program, Dr. Davis’s article will provide invaluable insights, guidance, and support for leaders and management on addressing sexual misconduct in military settings.